God Rejoices to See the Work Begin
As we continue to get Lumenations up and running, I have been thinking about the phrase in the Bible "Do not despise small beginnings..." It had been a while since I've read that scripture so I had to look it up. The prophet Zechariah uttered these words in a vision he had about the rebuilding of the Temple by Zerubbabel. This was after God's people returned from their Babylonian exile. The foundation had been laid but there were powerful forces lined up against the completion of the temple itself. There was much discouragement among the people as this dream of a temple seemed more like a pipe dream - way too big for it to be accomplished.
Do not despise
...these small beginnings.
God says in Zechariah 4:10 "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." [NLT] God made it clear earlier in the same chapter that there was only one way they could hope to accomplish this great task: "not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit"! [Zech. 4:6b-NKJV]
King David, who laid the groundwork for the first great Temple of God, showed the contrast between those working in their own strength and those operating in faith when he proclaimed that "some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." [Psalm 20:8-NIV]
How much faith do we need? That can also be small and still be powerful and effective. "Truly I tell you," Jesus said, "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move." He then utters six incredible words, "Nothing will be impossible for you." [Matthew 17:20-NIV]
The vision God has given me for Lumenations is big - so big that I kept it at arm's length for almost 20 years. God continued to grow and refine the vision throughout those years, building that foundation, making it ready for work to begin. We have begun this knowing it is too big for us but we believe God is saying, "It is NOT too big for Me." We know this is a step of faith and pray that, together, our faith is at least the size of that oft-mentioned mustard seed. We know it will not be accomplished by our power or our might so we will trust in God's Spirit to guide us and strengthen us.
Please pray for these small beginnings!
- Ken S.
Heidi, Kate and Ken - meeting in Searcy - all excited to see this thing get off the ground! [photo above by Ken S., top photo by Even Kirby, used by permission - https://unsplash.com/@evankirby2]