NOTE FROM KEN: I highly recommend reading Francis Chan’s book Letters to the Church. I hope every minister, missionary and church leader reads it (and everyone else for that matter). It has instantly made it to my top ten books. What are my top ten? (not counting the Bible, of course, which is in it’s own category altogether)
1) Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
2) A Tale of Three Kings - Gene Edwards
3) The Jesus Style - Gayle Erwin
4) The Screwtape Letters - C. S. Lewis
5) The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard
6) Follow - Floyd McClung
7) Spirit of the Rainforest - Mark Andrew Ritchie
8) Three Battlegrounds - Francis Frangipane
9) The Bait of Satan - John Bevere
10) Letters to the Church - Francis Chan
HONORABLE MENTION (my two favorite reference books): 1) The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare - Dr. Ed Murphy and 2) Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem